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Bios of the Members
Photo Gallery


Cody's Thoughts

Tribb's Thoughts

Aaron's Thoughts

Wes's Thoughts

Words and Phrases of Empyrean-like Illusions

Other Thoughts


Cody's Thoughts:

I have three friends.  My friends are pink.  We all have ears.  Children are from adults.  He is an animal, but I am not.  I don't care if I am a giraffe.  I am loved.

    Aaron        Tribb           Me

Aaron is mad.

We do not fly in airplanes.

Who is this Re-traced guy?

Words of wisdom from Cody---Many children have ears, but they never listen.--?


Tribb's Thoughts:

     The first time we ever practiced/recorded a song, we actually did good for first timers. OK, not really...but we began to have more of a feel for our instruments and each others' playing techniques as we progressed. We proved to ourselves that we could actually make some quality music. It is a wonderful thing to play together and I enjoy it more than anything. Our music is in some ways similar to other bands...but mostly we are very original. Usually our songs are compiled of different types of music or artists put in to one track. We provide a variety of flavors into our music. Rock, Hip Hop, Reggae and other styles are combined to form our songs. When we formed our band a year ago, we thought it would be one of those things where we just mess around and make some cool sounds..... or make some very weird, disturbing, alien-like sounds....but either way we didn't expect it to come out like this. Well, I know I have blabbed on long enough about our Godly music : ) So I am going to end on this note of wisdom......OK, I have no note of wisdom, so I'll see all you later. Thanks a ton.



Aaron's Thoughts:

     Our music is made by three members of the band.  Tribb Robison the drummer, Cody Easterwood the bassist, and me Aaron Duke the guitarist.  We try to bring an original type of music.  We try to record as many types of a variety  of music as we can.  We record all of our songs with my camera.  We are getting a four track soon to add lyrics as soon as possible.  Tribb has been playing the drums since he was eight, and Cody and I have been playing about a year and a half.  Me  and Cody often switch and Cody plays guitar and I  play bass.  We're all about just bringing our own blend of music to make ourselves and others feel good.  Keep checking the site to hear our new songs.


Wes's Thoughts:

     I won't be putting my actual thoughts here, because if I did... you would be as insane as me, but I will give you all some tidbits of knowledge:

bulletOnce a wise woman told me, "Wear pants, that's all the advice I can offer to someone of your caliber." Well, I thought about that and... I decided it was a good idea... so now I extend that advice to all of you, though you may have different calibers than me...
bulletThat same wise woman also told me, "Essentially what I'm really interested is caramel. creamy and's got something for everyone. unless, you're a magician...everyone knows magicians can't eat caramel. " Maybe you should consider that... she's so smart
bulletMy grandma once told me "For the right price, everyone's a prostitute." That's a smart woman, my grandma...
bulletI strongly believe that each and every one of us has a small piece of coral somewhere in our body... where's your piece of coral? Hmmm?
bulletI bet you didn't know that old people drive at least as good as sleep deprived apes. Yep, it's true... studies have shown it...
bulletIf only we all could be the same as each other then maybe we would not recognize each other and would end up having sex with everyone except who we really want to have sex with, unless maybe that person has a really ugly scar on their genitalia, but I seriously doubt it... unless someone else has a really ugly scar on their genitalia and they are identical twins, no, not fraternal twins, IDENTICAL twins you silly cantaloupe... mmmm cantaloupe... I want some cantaloupe... so juicy... so... loupey... maybe we should all just dress in cantaloupe suits and each eat other alive and then we won't have to worry about being identical and having sex with other people...


Words and Phrases of Empyrean-like Illusions

I have two aliens on my back.
Fifteen years from now I will be where everyone else will not be where they want to be with the coolest people on the earth is round and round the sun.
Grasshoppers are the main elements in life.
Poseidon is going to drown if he doesn't find a boat.
Why do dogs close their eyes and slouch sadly when you blow on their faces, but then they stick their head out the window when driving in a car?
Electric City is where I want to live.
These sure are some weird things to say.
What happens when the Mars collides with my pencil?



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This site was last updated 05/10/03