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Carlos Santana

The guitar turns supernatural. As a small child in Mexico, Carlos Santana heard The Beatles for the first time, and it changed his life. His exploration of Rock and Roll lead him to the blues. Without actually planning to do so, Santana mixed Rock, Blues, Latin music and other world rythms to create a voice of his own which is hard to define, and can only be called universal. Santana formed a band, which at one point included Greg Rollie and 16 year old Neil Schon (both went on to form Journey).

Artists as diverse as The Police, Prince, and Dave Mathews have acknowledged him as a major influence. Santana doesn't believe in flash and thunder, and he has never gone along with the hype of success. His only tools of communication are his supernatural talent for the guitar and his soul, and the world is the better for it. (Click on the link to see "More Gods")

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