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Current News

-November 29, 2003. Aw yeah its go time. Tonight is the night, us at St Louise. And we've got THE BREAK IN coming to rock out with us, this is going to be such a swell time. So they're coming on right before us, and then we be playing till i think 8 15 or 8 30, then for all you baby eaters we've got some metal bands on board. We're supposed to have shirts and stickers for y'all tonight, but i'm not about to promise anything, all i know is that the way things are supposed to go down. Well thats about it. Cyall tonight.

-November 25, 2003. Two news pages have been added to the site, a page for directions, and another for merch. Yeah neither are anything special yet, but damn this site is getting somewhere. Sorry again for the lack of pictures, hopefully over break we can get some up. Hope everyone comes out for the show on saturday, and be sure to spread the word if you know about it. We weren't able to pass out many flyers due to the lack of time. Stayin' natural, Gary.

-November 24, 2003. Yeah, whose updating the site all the time, and staying awesome all the while. Yeah thats right, me. So anyways, issues resovled Prentice is back in action. We will definitely be playing again this weekend, at ST LOUISE, our favorite. Check the shows page. GARY!

-November 23, 2003. Thanks to anyone who showed up to see us on Saturday, it was a hella-good time. Also thanks to Tim Vlcek and Dan Hodapp for helping us out. There were some band issues, and in the end we were with out Dan Donlon and Jake, so those two boys came and helped us out. Nice job to all the other bands, especially While the World Sleeps, who were amazing. As for the Ashbury, there was a good turnout but the upstairs was incredibly small, and the stage left much to be desired. But it was awesome nonetheless, and Prentice will keep on rocking it out. Gary.

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