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Ultrasounds 2 and 3

These are from Ultrasound 2 on 12-20-02

This is a close up of Baby A's face

You can see the left eye and eyeball (look for a dull white ring in the eye area), the nose - mostly the left nostril, and a horizontal dark area that represents the mouth - I believe it's open, that's why it's dark.

This is also a picture of A's face, but I like it because it's a good picture of his hand, wrist and part of his forearm.

This is A's little boy part!!!!

This is Baby B's first footprint!!!!!

We have no pics. of B's parts or face. "He" was facing my spine and baby A had it's legs and feet between B's legs, so it was hard to tell if it was a boy and get proof!!

For Ultrasound 3....


I have no pictures! Sorry! But this is the ultrasound where we first found out that Baby B is NOT a boy, but a GIRL!!!! - INSTANT FAMILY!!! We got to watch her open her mouth and stick out her tongue! She was so cute!!