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My Belly!!

Here are pictures of my belly as it grew - HUGE!!!!!


I'm 21 weeks with a waist measurment of 381/2 inches.


I'm 23 weeks (4 mos) with a waist of 40 1/2 inches and my fundal (uterus) is measuring 27cm (= 27weeks).

*fundal height of a single pregnancy at 23 wks would measure 23 cm, with twins at 23 wks I measure 27 cm, which would be the same for a single pregnancy at 27 wks! Hope that's not too confusing!


I'm 30 wks measuring 38 wks and my waist is 46 inches around.


I'm 35 wks (8 mos) measuring 42 weeks! This is the most recent picture. I don't really have many stretch marks on my tummy, mostly a few on my hips (which you can see in the pic) and a bunch on my thighs! But atleast the are a light pink color!!!