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' Americans Beware '

Role-Play Number For This Week : 01 || Record : 00 - 00 - 00 ||
Achievements :
None Yet
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Stipulation: ????

Victims: None Yet

Russian Nightmare

Triple H || Natasha Federov

RP Title: Debut R/P

Scene 1: Moscow Labs Inc.

As the cameras turn on we see the camera crew has gotten off a plane along with DWF special reporter Jim Ross. As we see Jim Ross getting off the plane he heads into a limo that was waiting for the DWF crew and all we know is this is all regarding a new signing The Boss made just this week. As we see the limo pulling up into the parking lot of this big building we see on the front of the building "Moscow Labratories Incorporated". As Jim Ross enters the building we see several Russian athletes training with the most modern technology and Dr.Koloff sees Jim Ross entering the plant.

Dr.Boris Koloff:Ah comrad Ross. So glad you could join us tonight. I hope your flight was to your liking.

Jim Ross:Uh well yea it was fine. Sorru doctor I mean no disrespect but I have not got the slightest clue as to why we are hear. All my boss told me it was in regards to a new superstar who he referred to as "special". So what is the deal and where is he?

Dr.Boris Koloff:You mean she comrad Ross.

Jim Ross:Wait a minute. Your telling me that we flew all the way across the world to see the unvaling of just another diva? Please doctor tell me this is a joke.

Dr.Boris Koloff:Ah you ameericans are so funny. No comrad Ross this is not just any other diva. You see my comrad the reason this great sport has not seen a russian athlete in quite some time is solely because we have been working for years to create the perfect athlete with the most modern of technologies and that day has finally arrived. You see Jim Ross we wanted a athlete that can do it in inside a wrestling ring as well as outside of it. Strength, speed, endurance, technique as well as intellegence. This certain diva as you refer to them as in your country can do it all she has won strength competitions that were before she came along were just for men. She can run the 40 yard dash in a amazing 3.1 and she has been trained in the art of wrestling by the greatest wrestlers in the world with her trainer being none other then legend and my brother Nikita Koloff. Not only that comrad Ross but this lady has a 200 IQ and as we all know the highest known in the world is 185. As you can see we have prepared a special presentation one only fitting of a born and bred champion so with out any further a do I give you the one and the only Natasha Federov!

Dr.Koloff then takes the sheet off the couch and we see Nikita Federov and Jim Ross's eyes pop out of his sockets at the sight of her.

Jim Ross appears to be absolutly speechless at what the doctor has created. Just then we see the doctor measuring her arm to show just how impressive she is and we see thw tap measure around the arm and reading 20 inches!

Jim Ross:Well.....uh.....I am totally speechless. Doctor does she speak english? I would love a few words with her.

Dr.Boris Koloff:Of course she does my comrad. In fact she speaks 35 different languages. Ask anything you want but make it brief.

Jim Ross:Uh.....Ms.Federov. Allow me to welcome you to the DWF. Now that you are on your way to the states to compete what are your plans?

Natasha Federov:Oh Mr.Ross no need to be afraid I don't bite. My plans are real simple because you see Mr.Ross the wrestlers in america are soft. Where as you can see I am anything but soft. I have fought men my whole life and that will continue in DWF but is some of those pathetic amercia diva's as you like to refer to them as get in my way well then they will be forced to die. In a nut shell Mr.Ross my ultimate goal is to prove that us russian athletes are bigger, stronger, faster and far superior to you americans and it will culminate by me winning every major title DWF has to offer. I guess what I am trying to say Mr.Ross they better watch out because if they stand in my way just like everyone else who ever opposed me in my life they will fall at my feet.

We still see Jim Ross speechless and the scene fades out as the camera crew are taking hundreds of pictures of this female phenom.

| Fade Out |

OOC:Sorry this r/p is so short but it is just a debut. A special thanks to The Boss for giving me this layout as well as making the banner!

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