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My life is a fuckin' rollercoaster. Sometimes it's a full scale riot and sometimes it's a walk in the park. You never know. Here is a glimpse inside the insanity that I live.



AIM: xxchaosxx6


I have been getting some calls from some people saying that some friends and family members are concerned about what is on this page. I am being asked to go to some sort of counceling and bullshit like that. If you are a friend or a family member, you would come to me first about it. My parents see me one weekend a year and live an entire country away. It's a shitty thing to do to call them and make them worry about something they have no control over because that is all that is happening. It's funny how alot of people have not put forth any effort to keep in contact with me. I can't even count how many e-mails and phone calls have been unanswered but you are very quick to run behind my back about something. If I do need some help, it is on my own terms and not because someone tells me to. I have always come to my conclusions on my own and I always will. So, if you think you may not like what you'll see here, the answer is simple: Don't look. This website is called FullScaleRiot for a fuckin' reason. You know how I am, and you know what you are getting into when you check it out. Or, if you feel the need to look and you have a problem, come to me about it. I will be more than happy to talk. If those 2 solutions aren't good enough for you, then it was nice knowing you. I have been in and out of counceling since I was a little boy and it hasn't done shit so far. This is the way I am. You have all always known that. I make no apologies, have no regrets and don't seek to change.


8-25-06 Cheetah and Flame come to visit for the weekend

8-26-06 Celtic Fest in Mohnton hosted by the Royal order of Hibernians.


8-22-06 Just got back from a great weekend in Philly. Saw the Rollins band playing with the original lineup. Got some great pics and just put them up.

8-17-06 I just put up pictures from a hilarious day at the celtic fest at the Renaissance Fair in Lancaster. Lots of drinking and playing with very dangerous weapons. Lots more up soon. Added pictures from Tom Sr. and Shiela's going away party and added pictures from Jessie Magagna's wedding in Bloomsburg and hanging out at the cabin with Jim, Stu, Craig, Hoffman and some others.

7-13-06 It's been a long long time since I have had the time to sit down and update but the Pictures section has just been through a huge update. Pictures from Orlando, Sharks in Levittown, Jacksonville FLA, and The Rattlesnake Roundup have all been added.

5-09-06 It's been a while. I just put up pictures from a crazy weekend in FLA, boozing with friends and family, going to the beach, hitting the bars and spending time with my neice Adeline. Last weekend was the 20th anniversary of the Bloomsburg University Rugby Club. I rented out Harry's bar Friday night for the team, then we played the current team Saturday morning and beat them up pretty good. After that, we had a hell of a pig roast on Craig Riechart's property (after a 2 hour stop at the cider shed).

3-26-06 Just put up a bunch of new pictures. The Pogues show was nothing short of amazing. They did not allow cameras with flash so the first pictures are a bit blurry, but towards the end I just started flashing away and they are much better. Shane was amazing and the band played great. I have never seen anyone chug bottles of liquor with such ease. It almost hurt to watch. Tom Bain and I went with Jenny and Purple and we hit the bar crawl and got to the show, moshed it up and even beat up some dude. Great time.

1-30-06 I just updated the pictures section. I added a quick funny video. I added pictures from Shootie's going away party. More pictures are being sent so some may be added shortly. I put up pictures from the 2nd annual Robert Burns Supper at Trooper Thorn's and pictures from Mike Ballas' going away party (featuring 2 hot chicks making out.) enjoy

12-29-05 Sorry there haven't been updates in a while. I went to some great holiday parties in Manyunk. Brett Barto hosted his annual bitchfest and I saw alot of old friends and they stupidly asked me to be the drunken Santa for the gift exchange. I don't think I did too well but I fulfilled the drunken part of the obligation. We then went to Julia Calahan's but unfortunately I forgot my camera in the car so I didn't get any pics until the next morning. So, I just updated pictures of that morning, boozing at Trooper's before leaving for FLA, Christmas in St. Augustine FLA and Lance's holiday party and my birthday at midnight. I turned 26 on December 27th and I'm sure you can guess what happened. enjoy.

11-22-05 I just added pictures from Tom Bain's bachelor party/drunkfest at Al's Diamond Cabaret and random bars in Reading and a photo set of Jeff Dickinson's going away celebration in Manyunk PA.

11-08-05 Just added the pictures from the Murphy's Law show in Allentown. They are easily my favorite band to see live and they did not dissapoint in one bit. I am really sore from 2 rugby games and then a hardcore show in one day but it was amazing. Tonight I will be at Al's Diamond Cabaret for Tom Baine's bachelor party!! I'll see what kind of shots I can get from there.

11-02-05 Just added pictures up from Tom's birthday at Trooper's and the homecoming weekend in Bloom that resulted in the best karaoke jam ever.

10-21-05 Just added links to the official gear of the Kenhorst Cobra Kai Rugby club. Check the links section.

10-14-05 Just put up pictures from Tommy Saupee and Lance Orndorf's birthday night at Trooper Thorn's. I would have pictures from the Integrity show in Collegeville where I was supposed to meet up with Brett Barto, Davey Turtso, Jim Moyer and the rest of that crew but my ride totally dicked me over. Integrity cancelled anyway so I'm not completely pissed.

10-07-05 Just updated the pictures section. We played Lehigh Valley and boozed up after the game. Then Jenny and I went to her friend's party in Manyunk and we met up with Snowball, Jenna, Richie, Mikey and Julia Calahan at the bars. I was naked alot.

9-30-05 Just got back from a great weekend at an Irish Fest in Wildwood NJ and Atlantic City with Jenny. Pictures are updated with those and pics from the last Bloom visit.

9-2-05 - Party here with visitors such as Alison Latta, Richie Romance, Russ and some others then attacking the Reading bars.

9-10-05 - End of summer party at Jessie Magagna's house in Bloomsburg PA

10-14-05 - Cheetah comes to visit for the weekend.

8-23-05 Just put up my pictures of an awesome night of boozing in Bloomsburg. Saturday I have a rugby game at Doylestown so I'll be boozing it up with Angry Lou then Jen and I are going to the beach and getting a hotel room and partying there until Monday. Fuckin' a.

8-30-05 I left my camera at Craig Waters' house for a while so it's been a while since any updates. I just put up some good photos. One set from the night at Waters' when I left my camera and 2 sets from partying in Lansdale for Riley from N.Penn Rugby's wedding. Pictures are up from the night before at Trapp's Tavern and the wedding. enjoy.

7-20-05 I just updated the pictures section with pics from "The War At The Shore" in Sea Isle City NJ. This game ended in a full field brawl. Awesome shit. Next game - Thursday at the Shark Park

7-10-05 After a hilarious week in the poconos, I went to play with the NJ Sharks against the Delaware MantaRays. We beat them pretty convincingly. I ran well all game, scored a try and made some big hits. AFter the drinkup at the Millcreek Inn, Fred and I went to Allentown to Craig "Muddy" Waters' bar opening party. Pics are updated. Next week: NJ Sharks vs. Connecticut at Sea Isle City NJ.

7-05-05 Just added new pictures from a rediculous 4th of July weekend. Next weekend, rugby at Sea Isle City NJ.

6-26-05 Extremely sore. I played rugby yesterday on 2 hours of sleep in 99 degree weather with a broken arm and 2 broken toes but scored 2 tries and played well. After that, we met up with the Reading Rugby team for one of their bachelor parties and got in their chartered bus full of beer and playing smut on the tv's and headed to Show and Tell in Philadelphia. Pictures are up.

6-20-05 Still recovering from an insane weekend at Jimmy's Lake house in Harvey's Lake PA. Pictures are up. I updated and organized the links section. This weekend: rugby game in Washington DC. after that, either a bachelor party in Philly or a Shrimp fest/drinkup with the Reading Rugby Team

6-06-5-05 Haven't updated in a while. I now live in Reading and I am back to the days of a dial-up modem. I have pictures from my going away party in NY, Jenna Kleese and Snowball trying to get Jenna's car back from the police station after a night of boozing at O'Malley's, Ali Huyett's wedding and the shenanigans that ensued, labor day barbecue and the N.Penn 7's Rugby Tournament this past weekend. Next weekend I am either playing rugby in NY with the New Jersey Sharks or playing in the Lehigh Valley tournament with either Reading or North Penn. I'll try to update the pics when I can.


5-01-05 Yankees game in NY

5-07-05 Party at Calahan's or Senior Crawl...still deciding

5-14-05 Move to Reading PA

5-21-05 Ali Huyett's wedding

date - no clue: Jesus Christ. I've been partying my fuckin' ass off lately. Boozing, fighting, fucking, and destroying my body in the name of insanity. I keep telling myself it's time for a break, then someone calls and another kick ass plan evolves. I'm going to start writing my will soon because I won't last too long at this pace. Anyway, I updated the picture section with sets from the Alumni Game/Pig Roast and Block Party. This weekend, I convinced General Motors that I am taking a "client" (a.k.a. Snowball) out in the city to talk business so they are paying for us to get fuckin' loaded and go to a Yankee game. I broke my camera in a nosedive down a flight of steps so who knows when the next picture update will be but hopefully it's soon.

4-01-05 This weekend is the Reading Rugby tournament. I am going to go and play with the North Penn Rugby team and anyone else who needs me. The official Hobos Rugby merchandise stores are now up and running. Check them out @ and

3-23-05 Ladies, here is your chance to have your favorite asshole's name on your panties!!! The official Chaos panties are out and on sale. The price has been dropped from $9.99 to the new low low price of $8.50. I MUST BE INSANE TO BE SELLING THIS HOT ITEM FOR SUCH A LOW PRICE!!! They are a thong, available in all sizes including junior sizes (I know...I didn't really have an option for that but I'm hoping it's older girls with small waists) Guys, if you want to buy your girl a gift from the heart that will truly turn her on - only benefitting you (an me in sales), buy these NOW NOW NOW!!!! or if you are into cross-dressing NOW NOW NOW!!! ALL PANTIES MUST GO!!! ALL PANTIES MUST GO!!! I MUST BE INSANE FOR SELLING PANTIES AT SUCH A LOW COST!!! Just go to my shop and BUY BUY BUY!!!

3-21-05 Recovering from a crazy weekend. Pictures are up. Next weekend - Going to FLA!

3-18-05 God damn, it's amazing I can still recover from this shit. Amazing weekend in Philly with Fred, Frenchy, Zadnik, Bart, Jess, Steph, Luther, etc. were deleted somehow. Blame it on the drink and someone who doesn't know how to use my camera I guess. Tonight the Bloomsburg Mens' rugby team arrives in NYC. They are playing in the NYC St. Patty's Day tournament in Randall's Island hosted by those fags known as the Village Lions. I am leaving straight from work and fuckin' shit up with them. I WILL have pictures this time. Tournament starts at 8am Saturday.

3-01-05 St. Patrick's day is 16 days away. I am still formulating plans (Manhatten?? Philly??). Either way, I'm going to be fucked up and belidgerent. The Bloomsburg Rugby Alumni Game/Pig Roast is the weekend of April 16th. It will be tough to top last year but it can be done. Stay Gold.

1-28-05 Myself, Richie Romance, and Snowball plan on hitting up Boozeburg PA for the weekend of Feb. 12th. Hit me up if you want to join in the drunken mayhem.

1-18-05 - The website is up and running. I am going to try to keep adding new shit as much as possible. Check back for updates. SIGN THE GUESTBOOK