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Krylon Blue

a Linkin Park fansite designed by a hardcore LP fan

Favorite LP Links-check 'em out! If you have an LP site of your own or have been to a site that you think needs to be recognized, contact me and I'll add it to my list.

LPU is a way for the band to show thier appreciation to thier's well worth the membership: Discounts, Meet and Greets, Restricted Shows, and much more. official website that offers news updates, merch, pics, and more. Check out what's new with the best band, and hey while you're here, vote for love for LP!
Join my league on the Fantasy Music Tycoon game,League_LP, the only rule is that the first band you buy is...duh, Linkin Park.
Join my club! Get involved with chats, message boards, polls, and you can even check out the event calendar for thier birthdays!

If you have suggestions feel free to drop me a note...and if you'd like me to post pics you may have of the band or comments you may have, that's cool too. This is LilyB, rockin out.
