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Kathleen's Home Page

My Favorite Web Sites

Guitar Tabs

Hi! My name is Kathleen.

This is me!

I love to spend time with my friends, play guitar, and in the summer I love working at Luther Crest Bible Camp!

I am a student at Concordia College and I am majoring in Child and Family Studies. Here is some of the things I like!

This is me and my brother Zach. I love him!

This is Parker our family puppy!!

Isn't he cute!!

Parker and cute!

Here are some of my friends from near and far!! I love them because they are all special!

Tori, me, and Kara spend some time together.

Me and one of my best friends Kara bond!

Tori comes to Cobberville, hum...what is that smiley thing in my hand?!?!

This is me (I'm on the left) and my good friend Angie! We love Concordia!

This is my brother and I in the Walmart parking lot. I like him lots!

Here are my girls and I posing by a corn sign. We are Concordia's hottest cheerleaders!

Click here to see more of me and my life!

Click to see Luther Crest Friends!

Take at look at the many places I've been!

Please visit my site again!! Love, Kathleen