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Whats up? My name is Justin Wallace, and I'm fixing to be a senior at Straughn High School. I'm 16 years old. I have a great girlfriend, Libby Miller, I love her to death and we have been through it all, but we're stronger now for it. I play guitar pretty much all the time, but they say practice makes perfect. I'm in the process of trying to get a band together so if your interested, drop me an email so I can get up with you.I want to thank all the people that came to the funeral home after my grandmother passed away. It meant alot to me and my family.I also must thank my g/f for being so patient and understanding with during it all, I couldn't have made it through without her. My grandmother and I were close and it hurt when we lost her. But I just wanted to show my appreciation to all of those that cared enough to pay their respects. I also just want to say that, if your going to drink, please don't drive.It only causes pain.My family and I just lost someone that was killed while on police duty, so Brandon, we love you and miss you alot and we want you to know we're thinking about you.