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I think you all would like to want to know a little about me. I am 17 and I am a male. I have a screen name on AOL instant messenger it is Sixty6Sixty187. Dont ask about the name of my screen name its a long story. I have some pics on there so talk to me if you want to, in my free time I like to hang with my friends and my brothers, I like to do stuff like play paintball, shot real guns, and do the stuff teens do.
All I really have to say is that you only live once and that if you ever are having trouble that God is the man that you turn to.

Suicide is a game that you only play once but there is one rule that I give you for it and that is DON’T DO IT.

So you can just leave because it is not that good!

Truly love is something that you only find about one time. But if you have not found it yet then don’t worry it can sneak up on you at anytime.