Biohazard backfire is the band i'm in. We play rock/heavy metal mainly. We started on writing songs but the first songs we will do are from other bands. Most likely Metallica, Black Sabbath, or Iron Maidon or whoever we feel like doing first. It has 5 people in it:(Click on names for bios)

JARED(me):lead guitarist(main parts and solos) and vocals

CHARLIE: 2nd lead guitarist(rythm and backround)and backup vocals

AUSTIN: Bass player and back up vocals

TOM: Drummer

SEAN: ecoustic guitar and back up vocals

We haven't actually all come togeather to practice yet but we've been planning on it for a while and we r gunna pick the perfect day to do it.

Just wait, cus if we r any good we will be making a music video which will definately appear on this site.

More info coming when ever i know about it.
