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Hindsight837 IS BACK!!!!

OK! guess what?!? after a 4 month hiatus hindsight837 is back and ready to rock! After taking the summer off we are ready to jam for Jesus and give all we have to Him! This is the last season of Hindsight....sadness yes! I (Dave) am moving to South Carolina in December (God willing) and Abie will be moving to virginia soon so we are all perfectly aware that this is all coming to an end. It's been a great ride and I have loved every minute of it. Praise be to God for giving us these great two years! In case you haven't heard or you just don't know, we are all about Jesus. We are gonna give it all we got and just praise Him with everything we have inside. This is it. We will try to get a decent CD out before it all ends...we are going all out on this last leg and we will try to play as many shows as possible, if you haven't seen us yet it could be your last chance. Better hurry. and if you just wanna hang out with us, just give a holla. we are open for pretty much any shows we can click on "book Hindsight" and e-mail me, Live for Jesus, it's not always easy but it's worth every minute...every SECOND, Jesus promised not only to give us life, but life abundantly, please remember it's all about Him...thanks, God Bless!

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