Protesters: Go home.

Isn't it convenient when we are in the middle of a war to prevent terrorists from crashing planes into buildings, and from poisonong your daughter's lunch box, that these ignorant people begin to protest against war with Iraq?

Just listen to these fools: "Violence will only bring more violence, and more innocent people will die. War doesn't bring peace. Stop war for oil!"

Read that last one again. War for oil. Really now. Russia has oil we can buy, we have oil in the mExican gulf, oil in Alaska, oil in California, oil everywhere. Someone explain to me why these people think all our oil comes from Iraq? And these idiots don't even know their own history. War DOES bring peace. Look at World War II. Hitler died. The war was over. And I believe that these fools forgot about the Iraqi sponsored September 11 hijackers. They got the money to do these horrendous acts from Iraq and Saudi Arabia. It's a war, idiot. Did you forget 2823 American lives were lost at September 11? By that philosophy, the people on the hijacked planes should have started singing "peace on earth" right before they died.

War with Iraq. Now. No exceptions. I don't want these thugs in dirty nightshirts doing anymore damage to us. Go America. Do what needs to be done to secure our freedom. I don't want our leaders telling us they can't defend us. LOCK UP THE BORDERS. Don't let anyone from a terrorist country into our heartland.

Let's Roll!
