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Fuel Quotes

Basically you can only do what you do and put your heart into it, give it 120% - Jeff Abercrombie It’s a tough business you know, avoiding day jobs is the main thing, you know? – Brett Scallions Carl’s like, the big brain- Brett Scallions on Carl’s lyric writing ability Did you ever get the feeling were being followed? – Kevin Miller I grew up with Jeff, we grew up in a small town in Tennessee…-Carl Bell on how they met Carl said ‘why, why don’t u play the bass? The bass is cool man, the bass is cool- Jeff Abercrombie on how Carl got him in the group. Carl said ‘man, if I hear this song in Krock New York, I’m just gonna flip out…’ three seconds after that, the guys’s like ‘and here’s Fuel’s debut song Shimmer’”-Kevin Miller Now should we tell you the truth about how we were drunk and puking at the table?-Kevin Miller on touring You haven’t heard anything bout Fuel until you’ve seen us live, cuz that’s like where the whole thing comes together- Brett Scallions on Fuel live shows No matter how tired I am before I go on stage, I just feel like I can’t make it that night, as soon as I walk on the stage, everything just comes together for me.-Brett Scallions If you can’t dump on your friends, who can you dump on? Not so say these are my friends.-Brett Scallions on the guys. All you can do is work really hard and try to create the best songs you can. – Jeff Abercrombie It’s pretty simple, we were taking no shit on this album – Kevin Miller on “Something like Human” This band, were really lucky, we love to tour- Jeff Abercrombie on the Sunburn tour For me this is never ending, this is what I should be doing, this is how I’m supposed to feel and this is what I’m doing now, and this is how I feel.- Brett Scallions You just look out there and people are standing there, singing word for word. – Kevin Miller on performing live You wrote these little songs on your couch in Pennsylvania you know, then all a sudden, your halfway ‘round the world playing them for people. – Carl Bell on lyric writing Okay, we got- you get signed, you get your first record and your on the tour bus you know your gonna make a second record. So, I think it’d be stupid to not be thinking ahead of okay, there’s gonna be another record coming down the line and I better write this sucker out. So, this album is basically written in the back of the, you know, the tour busses. –Carl bell on SLH You know when you become a platinum act, everything will just change and they were right, because when I got off the plane, I noticed they picked me up in a dazed mood, and I knew then that I was huge. – Kevin Miller We used to say we do records so we can tour and it’s refreshing to know that at the end of this whole studio process we get to go out and play it out live and take it to, you know, your fans, you know, were a rock band, and that’s what you gotta do.-Carl Bell