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Welcome to: «Bؤ Ø' F®ØØt LØØp§»

Hello everyone... This is my site. I have started building it and am currently in the process of making the rest of the pages. Until then unfortunetly you will only have the homepage. I will draft you some quick substitute pages for the rest of the site but this is all you have until then happy reading.

I would first off like to welcome everyone to my site, unfortunetly it is under construction, and I am currently in the process of COMPLETELY building the rest of the pages and also putting in background images, music, and maybe even getting more memory for me to store my files on. I would really like to but A LOT more memory for my site for music images and all other things i can put up here, i am also in the process of putting in background images. So for all who read this site have fun messing with things.

Last thing for now, i am also trying to set up a form for everyone to use, so when you come to join here if you click the link you'll be able to post suggestions straight to me, then I can get my site rolling. :-)

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