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The super duper Entransic pagey wagey!

Welcome to the Entransic webpage!







Hidy Ho, this is the first ever Entransic page (as well as the first Entransic!) Entransic is composed of 5 members and they are:

Rory: The main guy. He plays guitar and back-up vocals. He was the first member of the band.
Justin: The drummer. He was the second member of the band.
Ryan: The guitarist. He was the third member of the band.
Dan: The bassist. He was the fourth member of the band.
Troy: The singer. He was the fifth member of the band.

You can also check out the full bios to the left.

We have also adopted some new equipment, so be on the hear-out for some new and redone songs on Mp3. The X essentials are taking demos until August 31st. We have now dropped off Abused and Bleeding (our first complete song) to extreme. Our bets are that we'll get on the album, listen to the newly recorded version (the one we dropped off) on by about August 20th. That'd be awesome to hear Entransic on the radio! So listen.
Some of the site is still under construction so keep expectations low and also remember that this is the first website I've ever made.
To contact to Entransic E-mail us at

Visit some of the cool links below

Picture Gallery
Check out Entransic on Mp3!
Click here for a surprise!
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Thanks to Dan the bassist for creating the website. Download