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Pass Me Some Brew......Some Devils Brew!

New Devils Brew Songs

Jasper T. Colbaire - Manager/Booking

Baby Clayton T. Bradshaw - Guitar and Lead Vox

Howdy, welcome to the new internet site of the worlds most outrageous band...DEVILS BREW. We is from Matthews, IN and we don't take no shit from no one, or no body. If you would like to book us a gig in your parts...e-mail us, and we will work out the guarentee and the tour rider. Please come back soon, this site is in construction.

Please sign the book and let us know you been here.

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

We don't have no shows at this time. Stay tuned to this internet site for future shows.


(Baby's Pick) The Greatest band of all time...POISON...fuk'in A
(Unkie's Pick) National Rifle Association
(Unkie's Pick) Sublime Directory......great site fer be'in homo alone....hehe
(Unkie's Pick) Lynyrd Skynyrd......Artemis got framed!

Email Unkie:

Email Baby:

Email Jasper:

Mail Jessecoe: 1784 Fairmount Pike Lot # B5/ Matthews, IN/ 46957