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Personal Information
Photo Gallery


Here is a good place to learn more about me and my interests.

bulletMy Dream Car - I love cars but I specifically love Ferraris. Not only are they fast, but they also turn heads. Click on the link below and have a look for yourself. 
bullet 360 Modena Spider
bulletTravel - I consider myself a big traveler. I've been all over the world from western Europe to South America. There isn't a better place to visit if you're a college student than Cancun, Mexico. It's crazy there.
bullet Crazy Nightlife
bulletSkiing - I love to ski and have been ever since I learned when I was eight years old. Check out the link below for more information on the great winter sport of skiing.
bulletBaseball - I have been playing baseball since I was five years old and it may be the national past time but it is definitely my past time as well. My favorite team is the Baltimore Orioles because growing up my family would go to a lot of the games and watch Cal Ripken, Jr. play.
bullet Baltimore Orioles
bulletMovies - I love to watch movies and some of my favorites are the classics like National Lampoon's Animal House. There aren't that many movies that come out today which are as funny as that movie! Check out this link to view more movie selections.
bulletMore Movies

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This site was last updated 02/25/03