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Javascripts Collection

User Information

  1. Displays your System's Detailed Information

  2. Displays details of Browser, cookie information and no. of visits to the site

  3. Displays details of information about your System Drives

Navigation Scripts

  1. Greetings tothe visitor of the Webpage based on Time

  2. Try challenging to give a right click on the Mouse after clicking on this link

  3. This script displays an example of redirecting your webpage to a required URL

  4. This script displays a Textlink Rotator

Background Effects

  1. Displays Rainbow Fade Background

  2. Displays a Moving Background

  3. Displays the name of the day as a Picture

  4. Color choosing using Sliders

  5. Change BackgroundColor of the Webpage based on the color requested through Text box

  6. Change Background Color of the Webpage based on the color chosen using the Listbox

  7. Try escaping from the two Moving Eyes which chase your Mouse cursor within the Browser area

  8. Displays a script to blink your webpage

  9. Script that continuously changes the Webpage's background Transition

  10. Developing Watermark like symbol while Scrolling your Webpage

  11. Flashing Table border in IE browsers

  12. Displaying Arrow while moving mouse over selected link

  13. Status Bar Effects


    1. DisplaysScrolling text in the Status Bar

    2. Status Bar displaying time

    3. Scrolling Banner

    4. Crazy Ticker

    5. Bubble Banner

    6. Message Slider

    7. Status Wiper

    8. Flashing StatusBar

    9. Message Rotator

    10. Puzzle Banner

  14. Text Effects

    1. Expanding Text

    2. Flashing Text

    3. Link Color changer

    4. Text Animator

    5. Text Fader

  15. Mouse Over

  1. Color Block

  2. Cell changer

16.    TimeRelated

  1. CountDown

  2. Count Up

  3. Title Time

  4. Month Calendar

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