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Welcome to the Official Website of The New Wave Rock Band , Chained..

We are all New Jersey Residents, and also we all think that Jim McGreavy is A pillow-biting teabagger..

With that out of the Way...

We are coming out with a new album, our debut album to be released by the end of the year or early next year...

This site is still under construction due to lack of drums, vocals and bass.

At the Moment, Jared Ticotin(Guitar) and Charlie Dolce(Guitar) are creating New songs for the album.

We have a singer in Mind, and he will probably fit the position... Same story with the Drums. All we need is a bass player.

As soon as excess band memebers join the band..... Jared and Charles will teach the new songs to the members and also start playing shows immediently.

Then the record will be recorded... All we need is band members and we are set... We are just upgrading and perfecting our existing songs and creating new songs. At the moment...we have 14 Possible songs for the new album.

Until then my friends, just keep watching for updates.


Charlie's Bio