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If you have found this site you obviously know about us, but for those of you who don't here it is. Jeremy Elliott: Vocals. Chris Geels: Drums. David Banks: Guitar. Sam Colwell: Acoustics. If you ever find yourself looking to the sky and asking why you are here, remember we are all Broken, this is just the website. We have been together since Halloween of 2002. We were originaly composed of 7 members, but that didn't seem to work out.Within 2 weeks we lost 3 members. We later lost our guitar player and bass player to another band. We now have David Banks on our lead guitar and Sam Colwell on acoustic guitar.If you or anyone you know knows how to play a bass guitar contact us at the bottom of the page. We were originaly called "K.E.L.O." meaning the Kids Everyone Left Out. If you would like to hear us send your name and adress to the e-mail below. thanks for your interest check back for any changes. As i'm sure everyone has heard by now the great Johnny Cash has past away. To pay this man honor we ask that you remember him and all that he did for the music world. For without Johnny Cash many of todays artists would not be around. Thank you and be sure to check back soon or e-mail us!!! -BROKEN

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