This Line

how awesome that
your voice is just a whisper
yet overpowers even the loudest shout
how awesome that
your died so adamantly
to show your love and life

Your existence is one that is in everything
and everything is in You
my existence is but a small speck in your sight
yet I mean everything to You
You know me, and my name
and everything about me
and yet sometimes I can be so turned away from You

it doesn’t make sense
that You are what everyone needs
but no one wants You
people don’t want what they need,
so desperately they cling to what destroys them in the first place
they are the logic that is so illogical
they seek words, not wisdom
to only show a surface
but not anything beneath

they are the personified oxymorons
who know so much
yet know so little
they can’t seem to comprehend You
but who can?
the fact is, they don’t seek You
they don’t even know what they’re missing out on
they just don’t want to give up the things that make them happyv since they don’t know true happiness

I want them to understand
to know, and feel You
but I can’t
only You can
so I’ll stop trying
and let You start working
because in this long line we call life,
it’s about time I let You go before me. .
