This Beautiful Existence Around Us

The beauty is all around us
your creations, all natural
we look for great miracles
and great healings
when really it is around us every moment
the air we breathe
the leaves falling from an old tree

These things we take for granted, we do
Sometimes we forget
about the simple things
that make life so joyful.

The art of this world in itself
a beautiful portrait painted
by the Painter of all Portraits
He who creates
life is his paintings
with the many shades and colors
he draws thousands upon thousands.

The sounds, the sights
the smell, the feel
taste of life
sometimes we get tired of the flavor
and look for something more tender
but we cannot surpasss the sweetness
the originality, the true beauty that we live in

We destroy it with our cities
our pavement and steel
our man-made things
that distract us from the real thing
from the true showmanship of his power
of his beautiful artwork
maybe we should retrace out steps a little bit
and see what got us where we are today
and get rid of this artificial existence
see the natural side of things.