
Sometimes, I fee like giving in
Sometimes, I want to let it out,
and not care at all if I sin
sometimes, I want to say Your name
and not care at all, what They think
but my thoughts and fears starts to rise
and I’m shot down quick
but I hear you CALL MY NAME!

You just want me to serve,
which is more than I deserve
I never seem to learn
all I want to do is serve,
but i can’t seem to get the nerve
I know I can
but can They BREAK ME?

Lately, I’ve been challenged, in my faith
will I choose the path of truly following You
of will I play it safe?
I just want to throw my worries anyway
I just want to not let what they think get IN MY WAY
I want to wear You on my sleeve,
I want others to know I believe
but when it comes to talking about you, I get AFRAID!

oh, how our image brings us down
