One Glimpse Into You

I stand here,
in the dark , waiting
I know the One will come get me
pick me up,
take me away from this place,
I’ve been waiting,
It hasn’t been easy
but out of respect for You, my love for You
I will wait
It must be the same for You,
driving in the dark, alone
no headlights to light the way.

We can only trust God
he will guide You,
and give me the patience
but it’s so hard
for us to be apart like this
but what keeps my hopes alive
is knowing that we will met someday

tomorrow a week a year a decade who knows?

but somehow, i know it’ll all be worth it
when i feel You pull up next to me
and we meet
I can only think of

how sweet Your smile will be
how musical Your voice will be
how tender Your touch will be
how warm Your hugs will feel
how angelic Your face will be
how loving Your presence will be
how comforting Your words will be
the smoothness of Your hair
the caring look in Your eyes
the fact that You are there
seeking the same as me.

I already feel like i know You
And maybe I do
I just can’t see You yet.

I want just be a better man for you
In any way, in any form
maybe that’s how I should use my time
until we meet, because
I want to be your bit of heaven on earth
and you will be my angel
jut give me one look,
that’s all i want right now
one fleeting glance.
