
I crawl through a desert
uncaring and unkind
scorching heat and hostile life
this sun beams down on my perspiring face
I’m losing all my energy
losing all my strength

then, in the distance,
a vision of a man
he comes to me with an unfailing smile

he holds me up and pulls me forward
until we reach a well
“this well,” he says,
“This water is my spirit,
drink from it and never thirst again” John 4:14

I quenched my thirst at that well
and knew that it would always be there for me

I said to myself, “This is no man.”
and looked to him
He then said, “You have learned.
My water is not of this earth.
It is the Spirit.”

I knew that this water from then on
would be the only water I thirsted for
and I was always welcome to have a drink
I had an unlimited supply of it
for it would be there for me alway
