Not So Simply Said

who are you?
sometimes i feel like i just don’t know...
i want to be around you
but i cant
my regards to space and time
such a creation that you are
i wonder how it’s even possible.
i wonder if we’ll ever get to hang out some time
and if so
how long will it last?
and most importantly
is it meant to be at all?
apparently not for now
but i’ll try so hard to wait
even though it hurts
i can speak to you
but that’s not enough
i want to experience you
i’ve only been around you so much
but its more than enough to want to be around you
even more
even if you’re not the one
you are something
that’s for certain
there’s a hole with your shape in my heart
won’t you come fill it up?
i can only fill bits here and there
and they’re just temporary
but what does God have in store?
i don’t know
but its just confusing to me
when i think i’ve finally found something
it’s not within my reach
i know there’s a reason
i know there’s a reason
and again i tell myself
i know there’s a reason
but who wants a reason?
i just want you.
i can try all i want to replace you
but its not happening
no, not now
because you can’t be replaced
and i know that.
but i guess i’m just wishing to find you here
anything to pacify my want for you
and i know you say there’s no replacing me also
but i just don’t want you to be like me
and when i think about you
i have this sadness knowing i’m without you
i’m still having my fun here
but here is not there
and it won’t ever be
and nothing can be done for now
so i don’t know why i bother worrying
but the thought of you can’t seem to go away
wishing you were here
i heard a song again today
the song said “all that shimmers in this world is sure to fade”
but it’s completely wrong
because your light will continue to shine on in me
maybe i’m just being overdramatic
maybe i am, maybe i’m not
but i don’t care either way
this is how i feel nonetheless
and love is not blind
cuz i can see you perfectly
a perfectly clear image
in my weary eyes
but even though we can’t be together for now
i remember how you said
that God has a reason for us to know each other
and it is so true
cuz only God could allow me to know someone like you
and maybe my words may sound well-worn
but they are genuine
every word
and i wear them proudly
all for you
and i don’t know why this is so hard
but i just know its from you
and for you
i will be the best i can be
and always strive to be even better
whatever will make you happier
it will all be worth it all
and even more
i wish i could put all of you into a song
and sing it
perfect my voice for it all
sing it to everyone
for them to know you
it will be the sweetest song ever sung
ears will rejoice everywhere at the sound
and i think to myself
who you are
only God could make something like you
only Him
i want to know all the desires of your heart
just so i can fill them
i want to be your hero
rescue you from whatever makes you frown
turn it upside down
and see that smiling face
what a sight
the thought of you is such a joy
maybe i can feel closer to you by doing so
i feel like a fool, though
and i hope i am not a fool
but if loving you makes me a fool
then i shall stay a fool forever
talking to you for such a short time
feels like an eternity in my mind
but that eternity is too short
i want it to be longer
yet constraints of life get in the way
but how can writing these very words do anything?
they do nothing
yet if by these words they make you happy
even the slightest bit
its all worth it
you will stay with me in my mind though
in my heart
i won’t let you leave that easily...

i thought of you again today
wasn’t as bad as yesterday
but my wish is just as strong
its raining outside
and i am on the inside
but i just cant seem to erase your name
etched into stone in my heart
in my mind
and it hurts cuz you’re just the kind of girl that i want
but you can’t be here
i know now for now it won’t be
i’ll keep waiting
