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Blue Collar War is taking no prisoners in their assault on the hardcore and metal scene. With their crushing first release "Beyond Repair" under thier belts and their follow up "Locked in the Box" being released Novermber 11th, they have proven that hardcore, metal, and grind can blend into the perfect sonic assault

------- NEWS -------

It's Halloween, Bitches!!! We're going to be selling tickets for our Helmet show at Patriots Cafe in Fairfax. It's in the same parking lot as Hooters (50 and University Dr) It's Karaoke night and our friend, Emily runs it. Come out around 9:00, buy a ticket, and sing some drunk songs with us.

Looking forward to the Helmet show. It's on November 11th, which just happens to be Joe's birthday. Come out and buys us some beers. Don't forget to buy your tickets in advance. E-mail us and we'll get you covered. This is going to be the coolest show we've played at we want every last one of you Blue Collar Soldiers to be at the show. We're going to be giving away copies of our new one, "Locked in the Box," so come out and get your copy.

for booking or comments please e-mail us
Contact Blue Collar War