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 Through The Colours of Emotions    



      In life, there are many things that we neglect due to our busy schedules and heavy responsibilities. colours and emotions are two of these things. Colours-  How many of us stop to appreciate them? To many of us, they are often there just because they are- they serve no purpose and have no meaning. This is why we have decided to use these to represent emotions, something we sometimes  ignore totally just so that we can get ahead of everyone else. Our emotions are like the windows of our hearts, which we always seem to hide under a facade. We decided to invent our own designs, which we made to be more abstract and original, as we believe that our feelings are very personal and only we hold the key to unleashing our deepest secrets.

     Therefore  our theme was to represent these feelings through the usage of colours and certain designs, so as to express our thoughts unrestrained and explore our inner beings.