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IUP Series of Poker

Points Standings



Nick Mancine 10
Zach Milko 9
Kevan "The Persian" 9
Anthony Rocchio 6


9/10/04 - Zach Milko - 1st place, Nick Mancine - 2nd place, Anthony Rocchio - 3rd place

Upcoming Games:

9/12/04 @ 995 Chestnut

Points scoring:
5 Players or less:
1st place 5 pts
2nd place 3 pts
3rd place 1 pt

6 to 10 players:
1st place 9 pts
2nd place 5 pts
3rd place 3 pts

more than 10 players:
1st place 13 pts
2nd place 9 pts
3rd place 5 pts

scoring effective as of 9/8/04