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Real Virtual Anna

What I like in life:

Here are some websites for my homies.

Are you BORED?????
Hey, ever hear of the KottonmouthKings?????
My Hometown
Anna's Circus
take some tests, look at some notes, kill some time
wanna see my new baby cousin????

Hi everyone, my name is Anna. I am from a small town. Maybe you've heard of it, Mahnomen, Minnesota. No? Where've you been. Mahnomen is in The Middle of Nowhere, The Center of Everywhere. In high school, I participated in a few extra-curricular activities such as tennis, and cheerleading(wrestling). I've been playing the piano for a little over 10 years.

Anna's Picturoonies

A brief fotographic essay

my hometown


my cat

my other cat

my wrestlers

my girls





----------- Monster Island, a Great Vacation!

Anna M.
Home | My Hometown | Beach Pix | Puppy Pix | Links

This is Mahnomen~

I grew up in Mahnomen, Minnesota. I am going to research Mahnomen and then compose a short summary of my findings.


Although Monster Island is a real place, the proprietors do not want the location to become too well known, fearing that twould then be overrun by the greatest monster of all: man. So my trip there was planned in secret and I had to remain blindfolded during my flight. But it was all worth it, Monster Island was the best vacation I've ever had. Being able to walk up to a 20 foot high bug was just about the coolest thing in the world. I thought the giant ape and other "Monsters" on the island would be in cages, or inaccessible, but tare quite friendly and accessible.