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Our Story


Well...once upon a time there were two 3rd formers, by the name of Steph...and Moon, who hated science. They would sit in their science lessons everyday and dream about Fender guitars and Pearl drum kits. Realising that they were both on the same wavelength...(and both hated science)...they began to talk about this interesting topic with each other-and found they had A LOT in common.


Jen...a shy and VERY smiley 2nd former was Moons best friend...Moon and Jen would sit on their street and write songs on their acoustic guitars.


In the summer of 1996; Jen and Steph met for the first time while on their way to an Everclear signing.


1997 was where it really started. The idea of the Rockquest seemed very Moon, Jen, and Steph got off their asses, practiced in their garages and made funky costumes to prepare for...the big event!


They soon realised however, that they needed a asked their scary friend, (who wont be named), to join the band! Even though they got through to the north shore regionals: she still sucked. So they got bouncy Sarah.


Throughout 2000, Zoil have done some cool-as shit! They played with Foamy ed, Mary, Jester, at the ‘day at the beach’, supported Betchadupa on their tour, and played at the Channel Z, little day name just a few!


In 2001, however, bouncy Sarah will leave...and Rochelle,our new bassist will join. We are sad to see Sarah go, as she has been the life of Zoil for so long, (but she’s gonna be a doctor so hopefully we will get discounts!)

