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The Nasty boys...

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      Who is Shagnasty?

      You might have noticed us talking about the "old times" and our fans from "way back" and wondered what was up with that. Well, Shagnasty has a history, and  for now we'll just include a brief outline. Shagnasty first formed back in the early 70's and played locally in the Salina area. With a strong following, Shagnasty played together (with varying lineups) for over 15 years.

      In recent years, they have been somewhat of a legend around Salina, with every new musician in town being asked if they've ever heard of "those Shagnasty guys." As a result, the last lineup of Shagnasty returned to the stage together for a one-time reunion gig that took place July 1, 2000 at the Crow's Nest in Salina.

      Due to the success of that gig, two of the original members (Steve & Maddog) decided to reform the band. That's where the Ripper and Darr came in, both experienced musicians who previously played with other local bands. So now we're Shagnasty 2000.

      The Lineup
      Steve Vernon on drums
      Hometown: Gypsum, KS
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      Mad dog on bass
      Hometown: Salina, KS
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      the Ripper on guitar
      Hometown: Salina, KS
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      Ken Claypool on vocals
      Hometown: Stafford, KS
      E-mail me!

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Last modified: April 02, 2001 by Shawn Long
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