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*ATTENTION*this site is never updated anymore, it remains as a memory, a memory of so many good times, sometimes when i want to cry i come here. please respect. Welcome to "Bens website" where all the best fun and action is on the internet. No, this is just a site that contains information on my and just stuff, so check it out, I'm a very interesting person, at times. I have some stuff about bands I like and I'm putting on pictures from this school year, cause i havn't updated for like a year. So i'll put pictures on now and then, like whenever I feel like it, or maybe if you tell me too I will. (So damaa if you just feel like we're not communicating, let me know and I'll hook you up with the latest, the best, and the greatest recent photos) That goes for anyone. My e-mail address is (now known as Norma Jean). So, some news is... I got my drivers lecense about 3 weeks ago so that's cool, yeah that's about it.

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Skateboard stuff