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Breaks interesting new ground...stylistic tone varies from grunge-rock to of interest to any fan of good music, regardless of sexuality, investigate..

Next Magazine:
Flies the finger at homophobia, an eye opener... from mod-pop to grunge scraps, tarty punk John-Fredrick is already pulling high profile notice

In Touch:
A must for club DJs & alternative music fans. This surprising new EP packs plenty of attitude, from post-punk slam to disco. John-Fredrick, the Radical Faerie anarchist rock-diva act-up disco punk wonder boy has grown his hair & grown up musically. Wisely, this idiom surfing still allows much room for his former rebel bad boy spunk.

Street Sound:
#2 in the Top Ten... a slick homage to the nations newest craze...

Stonewall Society:
The style is bold, daring and not for the faint hearted. Being a die hard Frank Zappa fan I found great enjoyment in John-Fredrick's sarcasm, humor, and style.æYour senses are awakened by strong visualizations, deep rhythms, familiar images, and poignant lyrics. Some would, and rightly so, see the protest/activist value in some of John-Fredrick's music. I likeæ music which isæ sassy and thought provoking, J-F happily deliversæ in large doses & makes you think, move, and most of all react. A great CD to add some spice to a potentially "calm" affair, or to stir those heated feelings of community awareness.

John-Fredrick's Drag Queen is a fun dance tune, available at People Like Us in Chicago.

Bear Magazine:
A Must...

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