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Join Me At My New Site Crystals By Rob


QUANTUM CRYSTALS: color-clear---chakra-all-----three or more double terminated clear quartz crystals that are joined together. These crystals alter the statistical probabilities of your wishes, prayers and visualizations coming true. They also allow us easy access to alternate realities.

QUARTZ: color-clear---chakra-all-----a very general purpose stone which can be used for almost anything; especially good at amplifying and directing thoughts and energy.

REALGAR: color-orange, red---chakra-1st, 2nd-----associated with introspection, insight, balance, meditation, harmony and depth of perception.

RHODOCHROSITE: color-white, pink---chakra-4th-----cleanses the heart chakra and emotional body, releases suffering from past lives. Reprograms the emotional body to recieve joy. Heals chronic self blame.

RHODONITE: color-white pink---chakra-1st, 5th-----grounds spirit forces in body and helps us work lovingly on physical plane; helps us actualize our potential; helps those who are sensitive be less vulnerable to others negativity; raises self esteem and confidence; amplifies thought projection; increases sensitivity in hearing; increases language facility and communication skills; aids vitamin absorption; restoration of physical energy depleted by trauma; promotes self esteem; good for moral boost, good for mental unrest, confusion, fear, physical and emotional trauma, inner ear, respiratory problems.

ROSE QUARTZ: color-pink---chakra-4th-----love stone; calming and cooling; harmony after crisis; balances all chakras; balances yin & yang; healing emotional wounds; clear the body and release impurities; helps against stress; kidneys & adrenals; skin; heart; lungs; helps heal burns.

RUBY: color-red---chakra-1st, 4th-----stone of nability; stimulates feminine attributes; financial stability; good and lucid dreams; creativity; awareness & manifestation; helps fever; heart & blood; detoxification.

RUTILATED QUARTZ: color-various---chakran/a-----these stones heal and balance the aura while repelling negative energy. Intensifies healing while easing transition.

SAPPHIRE (blue): color-blue---chakra-5th-----inspires creative expression, intuition and meditation.

SAPPHIRE (green): color-green---chakra-4th-----brings luck.

SAPPHIRE (orange): color-orange---chakra-2nd-----augments wisdom, optimism and friendliness.

SAPPHIRE (pink): color-pink---chakra-1st, 4th-----encourages generosity, love and loyalty.

SAPPHIRE (star): color-n/a---chakra-6th-----develops independance, centering, balance and psychic powers.

SAPPHIRE (white): color-white---chakra-7th-----is associated with self appreciation and spiritual development.

SAPPHIRE (yellow): color-yellow---chakra-3rd-----enchances intellect, study, knowledge and memory.

SARD: color-reddish-brown---chakra-1st-----associated with independance, protection, achievment, courage, freedom, spontaneity and creativity. Sard is also linked with material success, ambition and career success. This is a stone of accomplishment and fulfillment of duties.

SARDONYX: color-white & red---chakra-1st-----fosters luck, frienship, happiness, good fortune, romance and marriage. Protective of the young and of those who try new things. Associated with stamina, vigor, energy, creativity. Teaches us to love nature's wild places and inhabitants.

SCAPOLITE: color-yellow, violet, pink, clear---chakra-1st, 3rd, 6th-----facilitates integration of the mind and the heart. Helps the overly emotional person become more analytical.

SCHEELITE: color-n/a---chakra-6th-----"telepathic stone"; calms and clears troubled states of mind; increases sense of inner truth; stimulates brain activity and heightens mental awareness; advances mental powers; develops telepathic awareness; records information; useful for thought transference; stimulates crown chakra.

SERPENTINE: color-green---chakra-4th-----inspires respect for the elderly, longevity, retieval of ancient wisdom and remembrance of past lives.

sSILVER: color-silver---chakra-6th, 7th-----fosters hope, meditation, unconditional love, mothering, nurturance, grounding, appreciation of women and nature, mystic visions, spiritual and romantic love, tenderness, kindness, ensitivity and psychic abilities. This metal is sacred to the moon goddess.

SMOKEY QUARTZ: color-brown, black---chakra-1st, 3rd-----transforms negative emotions and energy patterns, meditation, balances yin and yang, mind, energy and spirit; grounding; protection; stability; survival instinct and intuition; pride and joy in living; psychic communications; cooperation; dissolves blocks to perception and learning; helps liquid and mineral levels in the body; aids organs in solar plexus area, hands and feet.

SODALITE: color-blue, indigo---chakra-5th, 6th-----mind stone, logic and rational thought; fellowship within groups; self esteem and trust; truthful expression of emotions; helps with glandular metabolism, digestion, purification, insomnia and calcium deficiencies.

SPECTROLITE: color-n/a---chakra-n/a-----is associated with renewal, invigoration, energy, health and regeneration.

SPESSARITE: color-orange, reddish-brown---chakra-1st, 2nd-----helps us attract land or a home. Helps us then be content with our home and put down roots. Also associated with self love.

SPHALERITE: color-yellow, green, clear---chakra-3rd, 4th-----is said to enchance relaxation, rest, ease, gentleness and caring.

SPHENE: color-tellow, green, brown---chakra-1st, 3rd, 4th-----offers solace, comfort, consolation, encouragement and balance.

SPINEL: color-variety---chakra-n/a-----augments renewal, allowing us to refresh and restore ourselves time and time again. It is associated with hope, will and purpose, encouraging us to overcome all obstacles.

SPODUMENE (green): color-green---chakra-4th-----enchances the ability of healers.

SPODUMENE (yellow): color-yellow---chakra-3rd-----promotes spirituality and connects us with our higher self.

SUGILITE: color-violet---chakra-7th-----body-mind connectiveness; spiritual love; stimulates energy flow in all chakras; foregiveness; eliminates hostility, anger, jelousy & other negative emotions; inspiration & confidence; meditation; peace & relaxation; precision in action; helps with headaches & other discomforts.

SUNSTONE: color-orange, yellow---chakra-all-----clear & energize the chakras; dissipates gearfulness & stress, increases vitality; protection; helps sore throats, stomach & ulcers, cartilage problems, feet & the soine.

TABULAR CRYSTALS: color-clear---chakra-5th-----these crystals enchance communication, integration, smooth energy flow and balance. They facilitate understanding and dialogue between people and so help us communicate with nature and with spirit beings as well.

TANTALITE: color-brown or black mettalic---chakra-1st, 7th-----promotes love, intensity, desire, passion and excitement. It builds energy, enthusiasm and love for life.

TANZANITE: color-blue---chakra-5th-----is linked with composure, poise and harmony. Teaches us to slow down and take it easy. Good for workaholics.

TEKTITE: color-n/a---chakra-5th-----is said to promote extra-terrestrial communication and contact. Also associated with great wisdom and knowledge.

THULITE: color-red---chakra-1st-----teaches us to be enthusiastic and passionate in a grounded, realistic way. Excellent for perspective during the "in love" phase of a relationship.

TIGER'S EYE: color-golden---chakra-3rd-----this is a great protection stone, use while travelling, also clears negative energy from solar plexus area while returning negative energy to its ender.

TOPAZ (blue): color-blue---chakra-5th-----peace, calming, helps develop personal boundaries.

TOPAZ (orange): color-orange---chakra-3rd-----clears and heals the light body while balancing the energy flow through the central nervous system. Stabilizes deep healing work and protects the aura during life changes.

TOURMALINE (bi-color): color-two-tone---chakra-4th-----heals and removes heart scars, fosters trust of self and others. Eases ones ability to reach out to others. Encourages service to the planet.

TOURMALINE (black): color-black---chakra-1st-----stimulates the chakras, inspiration & understanding; sel confidence; balance; healing; repels & protects against negativity; grounding; helps with lower back; arthritis, dyslexia, heart disease, anxiety, disorentation & adrenal glands.

TOURMALINE (green): color-green---chakra-4th-----clears the emotional body of past life and this life traumas and negative emotional patterns. This stone is deep and fast acting and can cause intense healing.

TOURMALINE (pink): color-pink---chakra-4th-----use on heart chakra; can use with kunzite and rose quartz; offers love out to the world; creates joy and enthusiasm for life; compassion; causes heart to release past sorrows and trust again.

TURQUOISE: color-blue---chakra-5th-----heals this life and past life blocks in the throat chakra. Heals sadness and grief. Develops inner strength.

ULEXITE: color-white---chakra-6th-----teaches us to see through the superficial into the soul within. Helps us gain inner depth and develop spiritual values.

VANADINITE: color-reddish-brown---chakra-2nd-----is used to promote order into ones life. Use it to help define your goals. Can also be used in the treatment of exhaustion.

VARISCITE: color-green-yellow, blue---chakra-4th, 5th-----augments moral courage, virtue, self reliance and success. It also considered emotionally calming and soothing. Helps us remember our past lives.

VEATCHITE: color-n/a---chakra-5th-----helps us develop a sense of humor, lightness and fun. Also encourages communication with nature.

VESUVIANITE: color-olive green, brownish yellow---chakra-3rd, 4th-----is associated with passion, enthusiasm, warmth and devotion.

VIOLANE: color-violet---chakra-6th-----helps us develop a feeling of gratitude, thankfulness and appreciation. Teaches us to count our blessings.

WILLEMITE: color-yellow, reddish-brown, greenish---chakra-1st, 3rd, 4th-----is associated with caring and tenderness. Helps us to be kind and empathic to all beings.

WITHERITE: color-clear, yellow, white---chakra-3rd-----helps us to be modest without being too humble.

WULFENITE: color-orange, red, yellow---chakra-1st, 2nd, 3rd-----teaches us to be stewards and caretakers of all the wild and beautiful places of nature. Encourages us to get outdoors and enjoy nature. Fosters creativity and devotion.

ZOIZITE: color-n/a---chakra-n/a-----enhances self-control, temperance, self-esteem, healing, harmony, dream recall and relaxation. Teaches us to follow the laws of nature and to act responsibility towards others and ourselfs. Good for insomniacs.