
First of all, I do tolerate people whose religious opinions differ from mine, if they just are open-minded, liberal and if they don´t think that their religion is the only way to salvation. Unfortunately, it seems like quite a lot of religious people are extremely narrow-minded and conservative in their opinions - and always ready to doom all others to hell.

Myself, I´m a Satanist, which is not satan worshipping. You´ll find a lot of good information about Satanism from some links listed below. Well, actually I´m a Satanist Pagan, if you can use such a concept. I don´t believe in Christian God and Satan as actual beings, but I tend to symphatize old Pagan gods. (Bast, the cat goddess of the Ancient Egypt is my favourite.) I´m extremely interested in ancient cultures and different mythologies, and I collect mythology books. And I don´t have anything against Wiccans, either.

Links on this page fall into three categories: 1.Pagan religions and mythologies 2.Wicca 3.Satanism. Have fun.

The Ancient World Web
Hundreds (thousands?) of links.
Mythology, religion, arts, archeology, theories...

Ancient Religion in Egypt
A quick and efficient look at Egyptian Religion.

Greek Mythology
A basic introduction to Greek Mythology.

The Assyro-Babylonian Mythology FAQ
Overview of the mythology, FAQ
and pointers for acquiring more information.

Norse Classics Page
Largest collection of Norse Mythological legends on the net.
Or at least the author claims so.

Germanic Myths, Legends, and Sagas

Asatru Basics
Norse Paganism.

Raven Online
Homepage for traditional Asatru.

Northern Anti-Christian Front
or something like that.

The Asatru Archive

Aztec Mythology
Who´s who of Aztec Mythology.

Sites dealing with Lilith.

Gateway to the Dark Goddesses.

Suomen luonnonuskonnollinen foorumi.

Finnish Mythology
Finnish Pagan Pages.
In Finnish and in English.

The Finnish national epic.

Kalevalan ja Kantelettaren kotisivu

Stories of the Dreaming
Stories of Australian aborigines.

Encyclopedia Mythica
Fantastic resource of different mythologies.

The Book of Gods, Goddesses, Heroes and Other Characters of Mythology
Online book on Ancient Gods, Goddesses and mythological figures.

Myths and Legends
A lot of links to mythology sites.

Witch's Brew: For All of Mother's Children...
A lot of stuff for Pagans and Wiccans.

Witches' League for Public Awareness

Celtic Hearth

PANTHEISM: basic principles of Scientific Pantheism.

Vapaa-ajattelijain liitto
Uskonnoton vaihtoehto.

Evolve Fish
A company selling anti-Christian products.

Church of Satan
The original and only one.

Lucifer's Realm - Order Of The White Wolf - Main Page
Site for independent Satanists.

Lucifer's Realm - Satanism
Information about Satanism.

The Devil's Web
Satanic links: music, bands, shops, literature, art...
Also vampire links.

House of Satan

Nietzsche : The Antichrist
This book has inspired many Satanists.

Compendium of Demons

Musta Raamattu 1.0
Ja tällähän ei oikeastaan ole satanismin kanssa mitään tekemistä...
mitä lienee loitsujuttuja yms.