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Hey Guys! As you all can probably tell this page is all about Taylor Hanson

Click around and have fun....remember what Taylor says - "You can't be here if your not having fun"

Hey guys! I just added thumbnails to almost all of the picture pages. I think it is faster to load.

Go Check out my Tradeing Page. I added new stuff and other artists. I have RARE* BSB action figures that im trying to get rid of so if anyone is interested i trade for Hanson stuff and or money.


Hanson will be covoring a song (most likely Imagine) on the Cd that will be used to collect money for charity. It is a tribute to John Lennon. So keep ur eyes open for that.

New Studio Pics are up....Im gonna add them in group pics but for now they are on this page :)

Here is a pic from when Hanson went to see the BenFolds show @ The El Rey Theater (Los Angeles) on 10.16.01

Hanson was on the cover or Modern Maturity. The pic was taken with their Grandma Hanson. It is so cute. Here are the pics below....if you guys wanna read the article go to under latest news :)

I want to thank Cathy for helping me with almost all of the htmls...i couldnt of done it without ya! I cant thank you enough :)

Perfection: Taylor Hanson