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Tau's Writing

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  Listen UP! In my infinite wisdom I have recently decided to start updating this again. So come visit, and read my shtuff. And if you come visit, sign the guestbook, or I'll record your ISP and hunt you down! Well maybe not, but its nice to know when someone drops by.


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Beautiful isn't it?

beautiful isn't it?
this moment we are in
this magic tension that cradles us
beautiful isn't it?
this time we have
so short and so long,
we drink its every drop
Beautiful isn't it?
I wouldn't trade it for the world
a moment spent here
in the sweet bower of your heart

time is against us,
we steal every precious drop we can
of emotion from this life
I will lose you someday
but for now we are joined
together against time
we hold it in place in our hearts

beautiful isn't it?
the warmth we feel
when we know our hearts are near
beautiful isn't it?
the singular joy
we stretch into an eternity
this time we have
so short and so precious
is ours to spend
Beautiful isn't it?
I wont let this go
if the world comes between us
this moment will hold us close.


an evening without night
a day with out sunshine light
dropping acid so I can remember you
drag my nails down the wall
just to see the concrete bleed
we came, we saw, we died,
and left our ashes on the hearth
dust-blood blowing in the wind
Dylan singing old church hymns,
because he can, because its all run
its all run black gangrene
like the way I remember you
does the fall beneath our feet remember
the steps oh so stumbling shifted
tripping is the last thing we want to fall into
oh yeah... yeah... falling in the hole,
down the yellow guilt rimmed hole
the irises singing songs of mescaline tears
yeah... mescaline tears...
the red rimmed veins that twist so blue beneath your neck,
I can feel you scrape against me,
like gravel across my face,
like the grave across my soul
like blood across my tongue,
I love the razor when it kisses so sweet
yeah when it kisses you and me so sweet


After so Long

After so long,
after so much,
all i desire,
is to find some peace
some respite from the sweet madness
of my memories of you
everyday your image grows dimmer
and yet i can still feel you
close as skin sometimes.
an angel always
my angel no more
i wish for peace
to make peace with the part of my soul
that will always be empty without you
I have learned to not need you
in the many days, and hours
that i have hunted for answers
i have learned to live with myself
the me that you are no longer a part of
if I could see you for just one moment
to know you are well
to look in your eyes,
to see that spark that always shined,
and know that it shines still