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Artist:  Limp Bizkit
Song:  "Intro / Pollution"
Album:  3 $ Bill Y`all
Tuning: C#, F#, B, E, G#, C#, C#
Transcriebed by: Johan Braathen /
More cool tabz at:

        *    -- palm-mute 
        H    -- hammer-on
        P    -- pull-off
        ~~~~ -- vibrato
        A.H. -- Artificial Harmonic
        N.H. -- Natural Harmonic
         /   -- slide up
         \   -- slide down

Intro (song 1)
(This is the synth thing that is behind "use your .." part)


Riff B (Intro / Chorus)



Then play this riff but with powerchords...last time add A.H

Riff C (verse)
       *  *  *  *   *        *  *      

Riff D (pre-chorus)

Riff E (interlude)

Riff F (outro)