Nuke Rap!

Nuke Rap!

Why To HATE Rap
Kick ASS Bands Wannabe a Smartass? Vote on SHIT
Answer questions ABOUT shit MY veiws on Colombine Rap like a pro!
See me Rapping! Fucked Up shit! Even MORE fucked Up!
FREE mp3s (fuck off metallica!) Rather Fucked up SITE by Henry HOMES Tha kinda shit u FIND online THESE days!

If rap were a person, this is what it would look like, seriously.

Well now that you've read the way i feel about tha shit thats going on in tha world that needs to be stopped. Let's start off by saying that I am creating this page because i hate rap, not the people who like rap. I know that if i said that i wouldnt be around much longer to write any more. I think rap is a disgrace to what they call "main stream." They can't and don't sing. In fact they get like woman that put out to do it for them! And not only that, but they also get 15 of their friends to help them out with one damn song! What tha hell! I personally think that, "cash money records" and "rockafella records" should be changed to, fifteen idiots on stage talking about sex, drugs, and being gay records!" Anyway, I have a lot more to say so just chill and surf around. NOTE: If you like rap, please take a look around, but no hate mail, I luv ya as much as u to me!

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In case u didnt know, this was a true story of a man known only as, BIG PUNISHER. Yes, he was BIG, and yes, he was punished for having such a BIG Bum Bum and Tumb Tumb. Now he's known as, "THA FAT ASS WHO DIED." Thank u.