
This is one of my best friends Morgana(left) with me (right) in Geometry class @ Granite Hills High School...LoL
Me(center) and 2 of my bestest friends Morgen(left), and Dusti (right)
This is Jonah Riese my baby brother born October 24, 2000, 6 pounds, 9 ounces, @3:47PM. Isn't he just the cutest thing? =0) Love you Jonah!
This is me kissing the camera... I guess..LoL...I'm such a nerd!
Winter Formal 2000 Picture of me.... I'm wearing the cape cuz my dress broke while i was getting down on the dance floor..LoL
Me when I was a little girl at the Wild Animal Park..hehe
Jonah at Christmas..=0)
Early picture of Jonah
Jonah in black and white..hehe

Paper Dollz

This is Dusti, Cassie, and me, formerly a band named Paper Dollz, but we've all decided to go our own ways so now I'm taking guitar lessons..=0)
This is a pic of me and my Dad from March of 2000.. so It's about a year old. I think this was the last picture taken of me and my dad, he passed away May 21, 2000. My dad and I had a relationship one of a kind, he was like my best friend, and the biggest Dale Earnhardt Fan!.. RIP Dad & Earnhardt! Love you Daddy! =0)
Picture of me taken @ my friend Amanda's b-day party..ack I look really bad but ne wayz..LoL
pic of me in muh room...(obviously b4 I got my bracez off!).notice muh Kurt Cobain posterz..my room doesn't look that way ne more!! I'ma dork eh?
old pic of me wiff muh yellow shadez..hehe
Picture I took when I was in Utah this past summer..=0)..isn't it purdy?.... I love photography.

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