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Who am I?
Music (reviews and more)
Movies (reviews, etc.)
Cool things
Funny Stuff
Random Scribbles

Hey there, thanks for stopping by...

Hey, its me James. This is my personal website. Feel free to look around- who knows maybe you'll find something cool or interesting. I plan on using this thing as a way of keeping people up to date on the latest and greatest from your's truly. Sorry if there are some things not up yet- I just started this thing you know. So yeah, in the future I plan on posting a lot of different stuff and writing down whatever comes to me. For some deep thinking, check out Random Scribbles

Some of you might be wondering about the whole dragonfly theme i have going on here. Well, the name sounded cool (and looks neat too) and i figured calling this place the dragonfly was a tad more creative than "james' website"(i know, i know- that would have been brilliant!). Anyhoo, i'll quit buggin ya and let you explore the site for yourself now. Cheers.
