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Buckley's Mixture

December 17, 2000

Even dead people are kicking off Napster users these days!  Just this week, the family of Jeff Buckley turfed several Napster users who were found to have downloaded the dead singer-songwriter's unfinished songs from fellow Napster users.

Jeff Buckley was found in the Memphis Harbor on Wednesday afternoon, June 4, 1997.  The 30-year-old singer had been missing since Thursday, May 29, but had been presumed drowned by his family and friends.   He was wearing a Melvins shirt at the time of his death.

The songs in question are unfinished works that were being worked on at the time of his death.  It was the wish of Buckley for some of the inferior songs to never be heard, and his mother, on behalf of his estate, has decided to honour these wishes by having Napster users that have downloaded said songs kicked off of the service.

Add one dead guy to a list that already includes the cash-starved band Metallica and the ultra-ethical Dr. Dre, and you have a small posse of warriors fighting the fight for big business profits.

Be forewarned...they say that taxes on blank CD's are increasing again because you guys keep using them for bad things.  Cut it out!

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