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A message from Son Kojin:

"Greetings Mortal..."
"Your curiosity has gained you egress deep into my domain. An impressive feat to be sure, but do not delude yourself into thinking you have strode through here undetected. Such thoughts may comfort you, but they would leave you vulnerable. And you wouldn't wish that in my presence...would you?" "If you have come here seeking power, then beware. Power is an elusive grail, difficult to hold once gained. Through bitter experience I have learned that Power is a means to an end, not and end unto itself. Once I courted Death herself and sought to win her affection with the most, lavish of gifts. Even to omniscience I ascended to gain her favor." She spurned me. I fell from Godhood. Relinquishing the mantle of the almighty because I knew myself to be unworthy. Or so it has been suggested." "For a time afterwards, I found myself without direction. The quests and battles of others became mere distractions." "Now I have found myself again. I have sought knowledge, for in knowledge there is power. In addition, I have acquired arcane prizes, rife with promise, attempting to learn their secrets and gain more knowledge. The cycle continues." "But beyond these baubles, I have gained a greater Laurel. However, Kojin of Kartica is now one of the living. The Universe knows once more that there is reason to fear me. Remember that...or be humbled by Me."

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