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HOTDAMN!!! Its Falons page of Madness!!!

--What 2 Find--

--Where 2 Go--

My Friends and Other Ppl's Pages!
Contribution to OLP (pics,lyrics,and my 2cents!!)
Info and Pics On PiErCiNgS~!~
My Bio... If you wanna call it that. Complete With Pic!
Older pics..
PoEmZ :)
Pictures of me and some more friends
*Name That Tune pics
My Photo Album :)
More Name That Tune Pictures

Alright well its been a good probably 6 months since i've even looked at my page let alone did any alterations or updates on this poor excuse to clutter up the internet anymore then it already is webpage. Annnyyywayysss.. soo much has happened and im considering to put an "update only" page so that all i gotta do is go to that page and update it bout stuff that's been goin down in my so called paradise, somethings just dont change.hehe. One last thing, please make sure you take a look at and SIGN MY GUESTBOOK or else i will cut your testicles off, Grind them into a fine power, and blow them either in your face or on your grave, THIS ALLL depending on just how mad i was @ u in the first place! And yes.. that is a threat, not to be taken lightly. Thanks...have a nice day

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