Keith Moon: # 27 in Blender's "50 Craziest Pop Stars Ever"

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The craziest Nazi-impersonating percussionist ever!

CASE HISTORY The Who drummer's madness was determinedly antisocial, whether he was stuffing his drums with gunpowder on live TV, running naked around a bus filled with adolescent schoolgirls or parading through London's Jewish neighborhoods in a Nazi uniform. After a poignant final TV appearance in which he proved unable to destroy his drum kit, Moon succumbed to his lifelong drug and alcohol abuse in 1978, graciously dying before he got old.

CRAZIEST MOMENT Fresh from rehab, he celebrated on an airplane with a food fight, a screaming fit and an over-the-PA rendition of "The Lone Ranger."

HE'S SO CRAZY In a restaurant once with six prostitutes, Moon loudly announced to the room, "And now, the astounding Moonio will perform his world-famous multi-clitoral stimulation!"