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Nazarine Ministry

Nazarine Ministy

Hello , a little about me. My name is Brandon
, I go to a Nazarine church and I try to be
involved in my youthgroup as much as I can.
I am 14 years old. Well are you wondering
what inspired me to make this site?
Well earlier tonight I found
some people who were strong unbelievers.
I already met one person like this,
and I am happy to say he is changing.
Well, the church is exists mainly for its non-members,
as does this webpage I see people over the internet
just as significant as people I know in real-life.
So this is to help those who don't believe to change,
to relize that our God is true. For awhile
now I have known I want to do something,
to change the world and I
relize I think this is what God wants me to do
So I will manage this site to the best of my ability.
Please right now forgive me for my bad grammar and spelling,
hey I am ONLEY going into 9th grade.
after all!