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Dawson and Shayla


First of all, I will briefly describe the characteristics of the eagle and the raven. The eagle, who goes by the name of Dawson, was an older bird. He had more experience in flight and hunt. He was tough and thought he knew everything. The raven, who is known as Shayla, was a bit smaller and didn’t have as much experience as the eagle. Although, she considered herself to be just as tough and smart. Both birds thought that they could control every situation they encountered. Most times they enjoyed each others company and challenge. There were times though when they got on each others nerves and would do anything to revenge one another.

In one situation, the eagle, Dawson, had just landed from a long flight. In a few minutes landed the raven, Shayla. Shayla was more tired because she was not as strong as the eagle but she was determined to be as tough. The eagle laughed and said to the raven, “You silly girl, don’t you know you will never be as strong as me. Why do you keep doing what I do?” This made the raven angry and then decided to come up with a plan to prove her point, that she could be as powerful as the eagle. The rave came up with ideas as to how she could make the eagle understand and know that she meant business. The eagle considered himself to be a ruler and an untouchable bird. He thought that he could sit and eat wherever he pleased. Sometimes he wouldn’t even share the food or territory.

By this time the raven was really upset and decided that she would prepare to prove the eagle wrong. The eagle, who was way too proud of himself, did not have too many friends. For most of the time, he preferred to be alone. In the raven’s case, she knew many of the other forest creatures. She knew the wolf, fox, bear and many others. They were like family to her.

The bear and the wolf, who were just as powerful as the eagle, decided to help the raven. The raven had gone to them for help because the eagle would not share his food or territory.

By the river, the fish were jumping and trying to get upstream. The eagle sat there eating and catching, catching and eating. The wolf, bear and raven looked on. They were disgusted and upset by what they saw. Then they made a plan that the raven would fly towards the eagle in hopes to distract him, meanwhile the bear and wolf would make an attack. The eagle, with his very sharp vision, saw what was coming and flew away in time. He flew to the highest tree and sat there watching the bear, wolf and raven eat what he had caught. He had been over powered and could not do anything. He said to himself, “I should have shared and been kinder to the raven.” The raven was proud and laughed at the eagle. The raven also felt guilty. Soon all three of the animals began feeling guilty and plus they were getting full. The raven then asked and decided, with the bear and the wolf, to let the eagle with them on the grounds that he shares. They also told him that he must be willing to become kinder and respectful towards others. The eagle agreed.

The moral of this story is, when an older sibling picks on the younger one, the younger one can turn around and become the stronger one. They younger one has learned and taught herself what strategy she needs to use and say to get what she wants. She has learned this from the more experienced sibling. With assistance, the younger sibling can get help and it will become a lesson for both. The time spent with one another may be tiresome, annoying and regretful but it must be taught and accepted that it is much better to try and get along and share.

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